Keeping Grow Facilities Secure … Monitoring Grow Rooms and Deliveries
Protecting Your Cannabis Business!
Security for your grow buildings and your distribution points should be your the primary concern for your cannabis facility. At GIC, our team of trusted professionals utilized many years of experience and knowledge to provide security services for sensitive industries. Not only can GIC provide security for your grow building, we can in the development of plans for the entire property to maximize the security needed in this extremely profitable and regulated business.
GIC can provide security for legal medical or recreational marijuana retail sites, grow operations, or both. Due to the nature of the product and the cash on hand, the need for a varied professional security plan becomes essential in the legalized cannabis industry. Because of the desirable nature of the produce, and the easy street resale value, security must be your number one priority!
Through many years of working with thousands of small businesses and more than ½ of the top 30 retailers, we have developed known strategies to combat everything from simple shoplifting to large-scale, multi-site surveillance systems operating in real time, as well as through the use of GPS tracking from the origin to the destination with an extremely high success rate. Security for the delivery of cannabis can also be provided by armed professionals.

With years of electronic surveillance experience, we can develop and integrate internal and external camera monitoring systems from cannabis growing facilities to retail dispensary outlets. GIC offers a wide variety of professional systems capable of monitoring large and small areas, both remotely and on site. By implementing these systems, you will be able to keep an eye on grow operations, dispensaries and retail sites all from one central location.
The use of these cameras can also guard safes, stock rooms and other blind spots with the use of hidden cameras. GIC can integrate other security options and devices to monitor all doors and loading docks, as well as environmental sensors like smoke detectors, with monitoring linked up through one platform easily monitored through your cell phone.
Our team also offers professionals that can set up internal computer systems to monitor all electrical power usage, temperatures, humidity, lighting and other aspects of the grow facility to maximize your output. GIC also has professional soil management personnel that will provide you with the proper ingredients to allow your plants to grow at their maximum capabilities without damage to the plants or the environment.